Πρωτοβουλία W.S.F. για ειρήνευση στην Συρία – αρχική πολιτική πλατφόρμα
Political fact-finding mission in Syria:
a Project in preparation of an International Peace
Initiative of the World Social Forum.
In order to prepare a Peace-Mission of high ranking personalities like Nobel prize laureates, experts in the field of political mediation and other honourable citizens from different continents, we, a European delegation from different social movements and organisations of civil society integrated by members of the anti-war networks participating in the World Social Forum have decided to travel to Syria.
The aim of that Peace-Mission will be to elaborate concrete proposals for a transformation of the armed conflict towards a peacefull democratic process based on the right of self-determination of the people of Syria.
The purpose of this delegation is the following:
- To constitute a political fact finding mission by meeting different representatives of the main Syrian actors involved in the conflict in order to detect the possibilities for a peaceful transformation of the armed conflict.
- To plan the visit of the Peace-Mission of high ranking personalities who will detect the possibilities for a democratic transition deeply rooted in the sovereign will of the Syrian people.
- To condemn any kind of foreign military intervention that affects the sovereignty of Syria.
- To initiate a process of independent information to the international public opinion to promote a campaign in solidarity with the victims of the conflict. This will be based on the principles of social justice, democracy, human dignity and intercultural tolerance which are also the basic principles of the World Social Forum.
The authors of the present project are motivated by the fact that the great majority of the Syrian population find themselves trapped in a vicious circle of internal violence increased by the regional and international geopolitical interests.
In order to finish this bloodshed leading towards a national disaster without winners an urgent action is needed!
Vienna, August 28th 2012
-Dr. Leo Gabriel (Austria)
Social anthropologist.
Member of the IC of the World Social Council.
-Evangelos Pissias (Greece)
Professor of international economics.
Coordinator of the “Ship toGaza” movement.
–Wilhelm Langthaler (Austria)
Peace Activist from the Anti-imperialist Coalition (AIK)
–Fernando Romero-Forsthuber (Spain)
Media expert and peace activist